Joel Kayakangler is in Greenland filming his kayak fishing adventures, and caught a 1247LB SHARK from his kayak!!
According to Joel's FB post, "At 1670ft a greenland shark picked up my bait. As I set the hook I was met by a solid resistance. It was the weirdest fish fight of my life. The shark was taking line on a pre-set 50lb drag and since I was strapped in to the equipment I was scared of going over. I had it roll on me several times and each time it untangled itself it left me with 6-12ft of slack line to reel in not to let it turn its head downwards. It all worked out fine though and I landed a 1247lb greenland shark from my kayak. The fish was landed from a kayak by touching the leader but was after that measured and documented from a boat. A film from the expedition will come later on this year. It was scary as hell and I loved every second of it!"
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